- Created: 14 November 2011
- Updated: 03 April 2013
- Published: 14 November 2011
- Hits: 4895
On Sunday morning, November 12th, 2011, Scott Burnett, Frank Messer and Randy Moore along with an eager band of surrogate volunteers* pulled away a curtain of honeysuckle revealing a dramatic backdrop in the theater that is Roanoke Park.
The best place to view this drama is from the crosswalk at 36th and Karnes. Look up, to the north, in the direction of Coleman Highlands, especially in the mid-morning light.
The curtain goes up on a cliff below Coleman Highlands, formerly hidden from view by invasive honeysuckle.
The *Surrogate Volunteers Program is designed for those who want to pitch in to help the Roanoke Park Conservancy as part of the volunteer work force but need, or want, to find another way to participate when they cannot put on the gloves on one of the work weekends.
While no one has more volunteer work hours in the park than Randy Moore, he leverages his own efforts with this surrogate program. He again did so by rounding up another $300 to sponsor "surrogate workers" who helped him "pull back the curtain" of honeysuckle this weekend.
- Each $25 donation to this program gets a good worker for two hours.
- $50 sponsors a surrogate working along side the unpaid volunteers for the full morning shift.
We really prefer your personal company best but if you cannot join in with the volunteers in the park, Randy will cover for you. For a contribution, Randy will happily arrange for you to be represented by a surrogate volunteer and get a gloved worker to stand in your stead.
- Contributions of any amount are appreciated and are now TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
- Consider a lasting and meaningful contribution in the name of your friends to honor them and the park as a Holiday gift.
Be sure to include the names and electronic contact info for the friends you wish to recognize. We will can advise them of your gift in their name(s).
- Email your names, intentions to sponsor a surrogate worker (or for the "general fund" - (or questions) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. then
- Send a check made to Roanoke Park Conservancy to Randy at 3663 Madison Ave, KC, MO 64111.
- Or send contributions to our bank account by following the instructions on Donate to the Park.
To be kept apprised of Roanoke Park events sign up for the Park newsletter at the top of the right column.
-Curt Watkins