- Created: 27 August 2010
- Updated: 18 April 2017
- Published: 27 August 2010
- Hits: 18288
Roanoke Park's surrounding neighborhood associations
Coleman Highlands: www.colemanhighlands.org
Valentine: www.valentineneighborhood.org
Other nearby Kansas City Parks support organizations
Penn Valley Park Conservancy: pennvalleypark.org
Cliff Drive Scenic Byway Committee: cliffdrivekc.org
Hyde Park Neighborhood Association: www.hydeparkkc.org
West Terrace Park: www.facebook.com/UncoveringWestTerracePark
ROZARKS: rosedale.org/play-2/recreational-trails/
Other groups in our area (in addition to above) doing battle against bush honeysuckle
Kansas City Wildlands (Bridging the Gap): www.bridgingthegap.org/kansas-city-wildlands/
Missouri Department of Conservation Discovery Center: mdc.mo.gov/regions/kansas-city/discovery-center
Lakeside Nature Center: www.lakesidenaturecenter.org
Urban Trail Co.: www.urbantrailco.com (Formerly Earth Riders Trails Association.)
City and parks history resources
The Kessler Society of Kansas City: www.kcsociety.georgekessler.org
George E. Kessler: www.georgekessler.org
Kansas City Public Library, Missouri Valley Special Collections: www.kchistory.org
Kansas City Historical Society: historickansascity.org
Westport Historical Society: www.westporthistorical.com
Missouri gardening and botanical resources
Curse of the Bush Honeysuckle, pdf from Missouri Dept. of Conservation
Grow Native: www.grownative.org
Powell Gardens: www.powellgardens.org
Missouri Botanical Gardens: www.missouribotanicalgarden.org
Missouri Botanical Garden Shaw Nature Reserve: www.shawnature.org
Shaw Nature Reserve Native Landscaping Manual
Four chapters covering prairies, rain gardens, invasive plant control and landscaping with natives.
Missouri Botanical Garden - Help for the Home Gardener
Missouri Plants: www.missouriplants.com
The creator of this site died in 2007 but it remains a treasured resource to anyone interested in native plants in our area.
Missouri Native Plant Society: monativeplants.org
The facebook group is very active and helpful: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MONPS/
KCWildlands Seed Collectors List: http://www.prairieseedcollectors.info/msterlstrev.html
A list of KC area prairie and glade plants ordered by bloom time with links to flower and seed pictures. You can also click on the list ordered alphabetically, or by flower color.
Wildflower.org plant list for Missouri: http://www.wildflower.org/collections/collection.php?collection=MO
Commercially available native plants for planned landscapes in Missouri.
Illinois Wildflowers: www.illinoiswildflowers.info/
A very helpful resource for species descriptions and information. Missouri shares many of the same plants with Illinois. Unlike missouriplants.com, this one is being actively updated.
Why Native Plants?
Bringing Nature Home: http://bringingnaturehome.net/
Without Native plants, the local environment starves. Read Bringing Nature Home by Doug Tallamy. Feed our local ecosystem's birds, insects and animals by planting NATIVE shrubs and trees.
Also see the 2014 book by Doug Tallamy and Rick Darke: The Living Landscape: Designing for Beauty and Biodiversity in the Home Garden, a book filled with great photography of richly layered home landscapes built with almost all native plants, shrubs and trees.